Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 6, 2011

TFT Display Modules - Technology, Applications & Price

By Alex Stein

Most people know of TFT display modules as LCD screens, or to be more precise - active matrix liquid crystal display screens that use thin film transistors. These transistors are used to control displays pixel by pixel. It would be too big an ask to dig into the basics of LCD technology, but perhaps an overview of how TFT is used here might be possible.

It would perhaps be best to understand that a pixel is a tiny unit that defines a space on a graphic (in this case, an LCD screen). So a collection of pixels is what makes up a picture or screen of a standard size like 1024x768 pixels or 640x480 pixels, etc. Whatever one sees on the screen is actually the combined impact of these hundreds of pixels each displaying its own color.

Thin film transistors are among the technologies that can be used to control the displays pixel by pixel. Every pixel is yoked to its own transistor switch. The switch ensures the pixel (which is a capacitor) will hold the charge until there's a need to refresh the display.

Now, given the number of pixels and transistor switches and light producing technology that's needed, one may be forgiven for thinking this calls for a roomful of equipment. But this is on a much smaller scale, similar to the way semiconductor wafers are produced. But the difference is that in this case, silicon required for the transistor switches is pasted on the glass panel, which is ultimately the LCD screen.

A small amount of space in each pixel is taken by the transistor, while the rest is clear to allow for the light to pass thru. How this light-passing stuff works with back, front and side lights is a bit too much to get into here. Just accept it works, and whatever charge has been sent to the pixel is held in place by its transistor switch.

Now with the basics clear, let's take a look at the practical issues for consumers. This mostly means figuring out what kind of TFT display modules to choose. There are many different types, like the MVA, PVA, traditional twisted nematic (TN) or the industrial IPS (in-plane switching) type.

Each one has its own specific technology and applications, and it is again too big a topic to delve into here. Let's just say that the TN film has traditionally been the one used most widely. The IPS and its variations are a better option which removes many of the limitations in TN film TFT display modules.

However, the thing that consumers do need to think about is the size, which has to be different based on the application. So a mobile phone will need TFT display modules sized around 1.5 to 2.5 inches, while a PDA or other handhelds may need 3.9 inches. Computer screens and TV sets need larger screens, of 15 or 21 or more inches.

Now the interesting part is that the manufacturing price of this module has an impact on consumer choice too. The cost of TFT display modules that are 10 inches or thereabouts offer the best balance of price and size. This is probably one of the reasons that tablets are so popular these days.

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