The past year has seen an explosion of video products being sold online. Try these tips if you want to create great video products for sale on the Internet:
The secret of success is to be able to show others how to solve a problem. Your goal should not be how to impress people. Don't worry about looking good. Try, as much as possible, to be yourself, and let people know how you do certain things. Then, let people know how they can use those strategies in their own lives.
Concentrate on action. Always think about action-about what you want your audience to do. Then produce a video related to that particular action. Cato, the Roman statesman, believed that one's message has to be formulated first, before words can follow it. Scattered focus will lead to failure. To be effective-for people to remember your message-focus on a single power point and present it as truthfully and as entertainingly as you can, rather than presenting a series of topics in a single video product.
Structure is important
Keep this basic structure in mind as you create your video product:
You should start with a strong lead that will hook people in. Clearly state your theme in the first minute. Use smooth transitions to link one segment to another. Be generous with action verbs. Verbs need to be active and not in a passive voice. Adjectives and adverbs should be trimmed to a minimum amount. Give viewers a few suggestions to help them apply what they've learned to their lives. Be natural. Use comprehensible words and short sentences. If you are stomped and at a loss of what to do next, pretend you are talking to a friend. Create a link with your audience. Wrap everything in human terms-make it something your next-door neighbor can relate to. Conclude with a strong finale that will reaffirm the message you are trying to get across.
When you have an idea for your video, you'll know it's the right one if you can answer "yes" to each of the following questions:
Is the market in need of something of this nature? Am I the right person to do it? Can I see with my audience's eyes? Can I think their thoughts? Is my video going to be understood by my target audience? Can I make this shorter and still send the message forth? Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, "Perfection is attained, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." Is the product solid from beginning to end? Does it have a smooth flow? Is the video integral, or is it conveying mixed messages held together? And, last but not least, can I tell the truth in this video?
If you have answered all these questions, you are ready to make your video. As you develop your video, keep this checklist handy at all times. It will allow you to assess if something in your video needs extra work, and it will also help you decide when your video is ready to be sold online.
The secret of success is to be able to show others how to solve a problem. Your goal should not be how to impress people. Don't worry about looking good. Try, as much as possible, to be yourself, and let people know how you do certain things. Then, let people know how they can use those strategies in their own lives.
Concentrate on action. Always think about action-about what you want your audience to do. Then produce a video related to that particular action. Cato, the Roman statesman, believed that one's message has to be formulated first, before words can follow it. Scattered focus will lead to failure. To be effective-for people to remember your message-focus on a single power point and present it as truthfully and as entertainingly as you can, rather than presenting a series of topics in a single video product.
Structure is important
Keep this basic structure in mind as you create your video product:
You should start with a strong lead that will hook people in. Clearly state your theme in the first minute. Use smooth transitions to link one segment to another. Be generous with action verbs. Verbs need to be active and not in a passive voice. Adjectives and adverbs should be trimmed to a minimum amount. Give viewers a few suggestions to help them apply what they've learned to their lives. Be natural. Use comprehensible words and short sentences. If you are stomped and at a loss of what to do next, pretend you are talking to a friend. Create a link with your audience. Wrap everything in human terms-make it something your next-door neighbor can relate to. Conclude with a strong finale that will reaffirm the message you are trying to get across.
When you have an idea for your video, you'll know it's the right one if you can answer "yes" to each of the following questions:
Is the market in need of something of this nature? Am I the right person to do it? Can I see with my audience's eyes? Can I think their thoughts? Is my video going to be understood by my target audience? Can I make this shorter and still send the message forth? Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, "Perfection is attained, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." Is the product solid from beginning to end? Does it have a smooth flow? Is the video integral, or is it conveying mixed messages held together? And, last but not least, can I tell the truth in this video?
If you have answered all these questions, you are ready to make your video. As you develop your video, keep this checklist handy at all times. It will allow you to assess if something in your video needs extra work, and it will also help you decide when your video is ready to be sold online.
About the Author:
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