Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 7, 2011

Internet Flash Games to Help a Childs Mental Development

By Albert Grisholm

These days kids and video games seem to go together like peas in a pod. Some children are so hooked on gaming it affects there behavior resulting in tantrums and fits of anger at times when being told to stop playing games. This is actually a growing problem for a lot of parents, and because of this parents should at the very least be educated a little about what there children are choosing to play, especially on the Internet.

It is true that there are some games in the Internet that can trigger hostility and aggressiveness in children. But parents shouldn't shun the Internet just because of this fact. As with anything, there is a negative and positive side to things. There are also games that can develop a child's IQ and stimulate mental and thinking ability. Research says that children exposed to computer games conducive to learning actually have a better attention span and concentrate better on their studies and in school participation, strengthening the child's natural talents and abilities.

Games that require a child to use memory and logical thinking are also present in the Internet; memory blocks and color determination are some games that improve this aspect of children's thinking abilities. There are also games based on language and word play, such as Scrabble, Literati and Lexulous, which would greatly help improve your child's English vocabulary skills and also his ability to form a strategy for the game.

Some online RPG games are good to encourage a general mental alertness in a childs mind, being aware of how things in the virtual environment effect each other is a skill that also can be applied in life later on. You will even find online versions of classic board games that help stimulate the brain like Chess or Checkers.

It is definitely true that some games are inappropriate for children, games with bad language and violence are not really what we want to be exposing our young people to. This is why it is important as a parent to take an active role in finding good games that will benefit the child, and being aware of the content of games that your children are currently playing.

In fact it would be a good idea for parents to actually play games with there children sometimes. This way a parent can monitor exactly what is being played as well as building a relationship with your children.

Something not to overlook with all this talk of gaming is the real world interaction every child needs. It is important to not allow a child to only interact online. Exercise and outdoor activity are necessary parts of a childs development and are needed for any healthy person too. being able to interact with others socially only comes from being in social situations not from being on the computer. In fact too much time on the PC can lead to antisocial behaviors shining through. Go and get the neighbors kids and go down to the park to play some kickball!

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