If you are one of those who think that bulk email marketing is no longer one of the best and the most effective internet marketing methods, then, you are wrong. Definitely wrong! Read on this article and find out why it is still the best idea to include bulk email marketing in your business plan. This article aims at discussing the so called cons that some marketer has observed out of using the method; then you will be provided with an immediate solution to turn those advantages into benefits.
Bulk Emails are Considered Spam. This is an issue which we cannot deny. Yes, a lot of emails are thrown to the spam folders of the recipients making it impossible to be read by your target customers. Bulk emails are bouncing back and are held as spam.
To better address the issue it only entails the marketer to be extra cautious in choosing an email service provider. First, you need to only sign up from bulk email service provider who can guarantee that the email lists are owned by people who are actually your target customers. These email addresses should be from people who agreed to receive emails when the website like WebTrafficMarketing got some new products and services to offer. You must be assured that the email will not be held as spam.
The Issue of No or Poor Response Rate. This issue is due to factors like: un-updated email lists from the bulk email service provider, the receiver's lack of interest in using the product or poor email presentation and unavailability of internet tools. Because of these, you are hearing marketers who complain about low response rates and traffics which are not converted to sales.
When email lists are not updated, there is a greater possibility that the emails are no longer active. Some of the addresses might be owned by people who are not actually your target clients; so how will you generate sales leads if you have communicated the wrong person?
Another thing is if your email does not contain interesting facts and compelling contents, who then will be encouraged to visit your website or buy your product? Nobody will believe in your offer if your email itself does not command credibility.
As mentioned, unavailability of internet tools will also contribute to poor response rate from clients. These marketing tools that are referred to should supposedly support your bulk email marketing ventures. It will help you make your email attractive with the image editing software and other templates you can readily use, and of course, the email service should provide you tools that make you blast your emails to millions of receivers in just a click of the button.
Needless to say, when a marketer says, bulk email is no longer effective; this means he has not chosen the right bulk email services. So, what you are going to do is to look for the following features in the email service:
- Bulk email sending to millions of recipients in just few clicks
- Instant access to the system with its user friendly interface so you can blast emails any time you wish
- Free templates
- Reliable email system
- Useful tools and readymade templates for the website and advertising needs
All these features and more sums up the best email marketing service that will surely make your bulk email marketing endeavor worthwhile! So, why not include the bulk email in your marketing plan?
Bulk Emails are Considered Spam. This is an issue which we cannot deny. Yes, a lot of emails are thrown to the spam folders of the recipients making it impossible to be read by your target customers. Bulk emails are bouncing back and are held as spam.
To better address the issue it only entails the marketer to be extra cautious in choosing an email service provider. First, you need to only sign up from bulk email service provider who can guarantee that the email lists are owned by people who are actually your target customers. These email addresses should be from people who agreed to receive emails when the website like WebTrafficMarketing got some new products and services to offer. You must be assured that the email will not be held as spam.
The Issue of No or Poor Response Rate. This issue is due to factors like: un-updated email lists from the bulk email service provider, the receiver's lack of interest in using the product or poor email presentation and unavailability of internet tools. Because of these, you are hearing marketers who complain about low response rates and traffics which are not converted to sales.
When email lists are not updated, there is a greater possibility that the emails are no longer active. Some of the addresses might be owned by people who are not actually your target clients; so how will you generate sales leads if you have communicated the wrong person?
Another thing is if your email does not contain interesting facts and compelling contents, who then will be encouraged to visit your website or buy your product? Nobody will believe in your offer if your email itself does not command credibility.
As mentioned, unavailability of internet tools will also contribute to poor response rate from clients. These marketing tools that are referred to should supposedly support your bulk email marketing ventures. It will help you make your email attractive with the image editing software and other templates you can readily use, and of course, the email service should provide you tools that make you blast your emails to millions of receivers in just a click of the button.
Needless to say, when a marketer says, bulk email is no longer effective; this means he has not chosen the right bulk email services. So, what you are going to do is to look for the following features in the email service:
- Bulk email sending to millions of recipients in just few clicks
- Instant access to the system with its user friendly interface so you can blast emails any time you wish
- Free templates
- Reliable email system
- Useful tools and readymade templates for the website and advertising needs
All these features and more sums up the best email marketing service that will surely make your bulk email marketing endeavor worthwhile! So, why not include the bulk email in your marketing plan?
About the Author:
For your mass email marketing needs, navigate http://www.WebTrafficMarketing.com and avail of the services so you can begin blasting your bulk email in few minutes.
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